[nas] Problem with building NAS under Cygwin.

Łukasz Czyż perlowy.dzem at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 03:32:46 MST 2011

>  Hmm.  If I understand this right, then 'make World' works, it's make
>  install that fails?

Yes, exactly.

>  Maybe it's just the install phase that isn't working, even though
>  everything else is built?

I don't know what do You mean exactly by this question. 'make World'
returns 'Build of Network Audio System complete' message, as You can
see in log file. But there is still no exe files in source directory
after executing only 'make World' - it seems that 'make install'
generates them.

I added in attachment:
mk.log - complete output from 'make World' command
mk_inst.log - complete output from 'make install DESTDIR=/tmp/nas' command
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