[nas] Couple of questions

Erik Auerswald auerswal at unix-ag.uni-kl.de
Mon Jan 9 11:18:14 MST 2006


On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 09:48:40AM -0700, Jon Trulson wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Paul England wrote:
> >Also, on the same machine, nasd quit outputting sound at one point.  I had 
> >to restart it, and my QT application to get sound again.  Anyone had any 
> >issues like this?  My program most likely sent a lot of requests at within 
> >a very short period of time.  Maybe 30 in a couple of seconds.  Is this an 
> >issue? what debug level should I set to find such problems, and more 
> >importantly...where does it output the log?
> 	I haven't seen the server crash in a *long* time... You can run 
> nasd with something like 'nasd -v -d 99' which will turn on maximum 
> debugging (and output to stderr).  Normally the log entries go into 
> syslog, so check out /var/log/messages or /var/log/daemon.

Well, I've seen nasd crash once in a while. Most of the time it is still
running but not playing any sounds. I did not look into it yet since it
did not crash too often. All of these crashes occured during "normal


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