[nas] NAS 1.5g (devel) is now available

Raymond Toy toy at rtp.ericsson.se
Tue Oct 8 11:33:16 MDT 2002

>>>>> "Jon" == Jon Trulson <jon at radscan.com> writes:

    Jon> 	... at http://radscan.com/nas.html

    Jon> 	This should be the final dev release... Unless there are serious
    Jon> problems, I'd like to go with this one in 2 weeks.

Ok, here's a bug, maybe.

In XEmacs 21.5.9 and probably much earlier versions, the SoundFileInfo
array is used directly.  Nas 1.5e no longer has this array.  The
comments said it a new function was going to be used, but I don't know
what function that would be.

Also, if this is changed, is there some way for xemacs to know which
version of nas is being used?  Hacking configure to detect this is not
my idea of fun.

I also have problems on Linux with getting the server running.  I run
nasd without setting AUDIOSERVER, but with DISPLAY set.  From strace,
I see nasd trying to bind to port 8000.  It tries many times and then
gives up.  When I tell run nasd :1, strace says it connects to port
8001 on the first try.

I'd give you some more info, but I'm not sitting at my Linux box right
now.  I've reported some of these Linux issues before, but have not
yet tracked down the problem.


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