[nas] Re: You are apparently unaware that you (with NAS) are violating the GPL?

Per Øyvind Karlsen pkarlsen at mandriva.com
Sat Jun 9 19:42:20 MDT 2007

On Sunday 10 June 2007 03:10:40 Jon Trulson wrote:
>    He came close in his last email :)  But you are right, I am not
>    going to waste any more time on it

hehe, yeah, but that's just false attempt at humbleness due to him being aware of being wrong while still trying to be right at something and portraying you as a bad guy ;)

I know the type for sure, for the last months I've had this guy pestering me on a constant basis with similar behaviour and rudeness. No matter how much I've tried explaining things to him in very detailed and various ways, he still won't give up. Typical phrases are "I am the first to admit mistakes blabla, but still <insertcontinousrudenonsensebehavioursimilartothis>". Also common for this type of people is how they fail to realize how rude and hostile they are where they find you way worse because you make fun of their asshole behaviour.. Sometimes my lack of self discipline has let this guy pester me on IRC several hours a day with me trying over and over to explain things, doesn't help much, he's pretty determined of me being evil anyways and has complete lack of selv insight while going on with FUD and complete ignorance. I tried for long to be polite and patient, no use. So after a while I started to just mock his rediculous statements and behaviour in hope of him either seeing how silly he is, getting tired of being mocked as well as for my own petty form of entertainment. ;)

Might sound like a pretty obvious advice, but if you're like med and tend to lack self discipline and also determined to win a discussion where you *know* you're right, it's amazing of how much time you'll be able to waste before you realize it.

Being the way too curious guy I am as well as petty and near embarassing level of amusement I can get from stupid people, it would be very fun/interesting if you were to communicate more with him and find out his relationship to this as well as whether he's from the US or not. ;p

(I even watch silly soap operas as well as finding tasteless/offensive jokes the most funny ones *blush*)

hm, I do realize that this is maybe getting a bit too offtopic and silly for this list, sorry, but it's not like it's too active anyways (it did actually draw some attention from me to the project otherwise as well :o)

g'nite! =)
Per Øyvind Karlsen
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