[nas] nasd outputs only part of a sample, client stalls -- except under strace

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Sat Jun 30 15:00:15 MDT 2007

On Sat, 30 Jun 2007, [UTF-8] Frank Büttner wrote:

> Hello list,
> I maintain the package for Fedora.
> Some user has report an very strange reaction of nas when playing sound
> files.
> Here is the link for the report:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=245712
> Can some of the developers look into it please.

   Interesting... A couple of questions:

   - does this happen with _any_ wav file?

   - If you start the client, wait for it to stall, and _then_ strace
     nasd does it recover?

   strace can effect the behavior of a running application if what you
   are seeing is a race condition of some sort.

   Adding an osLogMsg() call to intervalProc() might provide a clue.
   If intervalProc is only called once, then there is a signal problem
   of some sort.

> Thanks
> Frank

Jon Trulson
mailto:jon at radscan.com 
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