[nas] [PATCH] changed method of setting the input gain

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Tue Jul 25 18:29:01 MDT 2006

On Tue, 25 Jul 2006, Erik Auerswald wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 24, 2006 at 11:12:18PM -0400, Paul Fox wrote:
>>     - i want nas to always use *and report* the current mixer settings.
>> 	if another app uses and adjusts the mixer, i want nas to notice
>> 	that, so that clients can see that it's happened.
> The only way to achieve this is to keep the mixer device open. I would
> be happy with this as well since then NAS mixer changes would immediatly
> affect the audio hardware. The setting of last used values on reopen
> would then not be necessary.
> Several programs can use the mixer device at the same time so this
> should not be problematic.

   Cool :)

Jon Trulson
mailto:jon at radscan.com http://radscan.com/~jon
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"No Kill I" -Horta

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