[nas] [PATCH] changed method of setting the input gain

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Tue Jul 25 18:28:32 MDT 2006

On Mon, 24 Jul 2006, Paul Fox wrote:

> jon wrote:
> >
> >          Assuming I were to make MixerInit handle an integers well as
> >          a bool:
> >
> >          0 = do not modify mixer characteristics at startup at all.
> >              Use whatever is there.
> in this mode, what happens on re-opens?

         I would image that nasd would read the current gains/recsrc
         info, and use those as is, whithout changing any of them.  A
         nas client can still change them though.

> >
> >          1 = setup all default gains/recording options the
> >              first time NAS is started, and never again thereafter.
> would nas mixers track changes made by non-nas mixers?

         Currently no, but that would be preferable.  Not sure what
         needs to be done there.

> >
> >          2 = setup all default gains/recording options everytime the
> >              device is opened (actually, every server 'generation' so
> >              it would work even if releasedevice == no). This would of
> >              course ignore any of the last* settings.
> just like i believe erik, i guess i'll have to believe you.  :-)
> i myself don't think i'd want this.  but maybe i'd find a use!

         You might not - it's clear we use NAS in different ways.

> so, here's the mode that i think i want:
>    - i don't particularly care whether nas sets defaults on startup
> 	or not.  that's a one-time initialization, and i could do it
> 	in the script that starts nas just as well.
>    - i want nas to always use *and report* the current mixer settings.
> 	if another app uses and adjusts the mixer, i want nas to notice
> 	that, so that clients can see that it's happened.

         Code needs to be written to support that.  I do not know what
         is required to be able to do it, though I notice that when I
         run external mixers, they show the changes NAS does, so it can
         be done.

         I would like it if nas could track gain changes made by a
         non-nas app.  In my case (option 2 guy) I'd still want them
         reset to defaults on every open.

> it's entirely possible that what you've expressed as a list should
> really be a combination of separate booleans:
>    a) init to default values at startup, or not.
>    b) reset to default NAS settings on every open, or not.
>    c) reset to last NAS settings on every open, or not.
>    d) track other app's changes to the mixer, or not.

         Hmm.  You have a point... Maybe complicating mixerinit isn't
         the way to go - I just ran it up the flagpole to see who would
         salute :)

> i'd just turn on 'd'.  i think jon would turn on 'a' and 'b', and

   Yep, 'a' and 'b', but while nas is playing (ie has a flow going)
   then I'd want 'd' to work as well.  In otherwords, if festival is
   chatting at me, I'd still like to run something like
   aumix/et. al. and change the mixer's output gain, and have NAS
   realize this.


Jon Trulson
mailto:jon at radscan.com http://radscan.com/~jon
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