[nas] [patch] correct old-style function declarations

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Tue Jul 11 20:41:08 MDT 2006

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006, Erik Auerswald wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 03:36:57PM -0600, Jon Trulson wrote:
>> On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, Stefan Huehner wrote:
>>> OT: Is there a developement repository available with the current
>>> developement code?
>>         I think I've asked this before, but is there any interest in
>>         me setting up something like a public CVS repository?  Or
>>         maybe setting up a sourceforge page for NAS, which I think
>>         can provide this functionality?
> Well, it could be handy to have the current development code, especially
> if some bigger patches like this cleanup (and all those possible
> cleanups of the same kind) are applied to the development version. If
> you should set up a repository it would be nice to use svn instead of
> CVS.

         Yeah, I've actually been looking at various SCS's
         lately... Will continue to read the book :) Subversion seems a
         good way to go moving forward.  I like it's 'built-in' network

> A sourceforge page is not needed IMHO, except if it would make your work
> easier.

         I'm not really sure it would :) I like the idea of exposing
         the current tree (as well as any other branch, release, etc),
         and perhaps letting some of the old timers have commit access
         instead of always having to wait for me.  But it's not like
         I've been flooded with patches lately anyway :)

         I'll finish going through the svn book, maybe create some test
         repositories, and get out of my CVS mindset... I'll let you
         know when it's available.

> Erik

Jon Trulson
mailto:jon at radscan.com http://radscan.com/~jon
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"No Kill I" -Horta

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