[nas] NAS for Playstation 2 Linux

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Sun Apr 17 20:02:25 MDT 2005

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Dave Richards wrote:

> All-
>     I have completed that 'dumb little project' of porting NAS to Linux
> on the Playstation 2. ;)  Everything compiled cleanly, and I'm going to
> see if I can package an RPM and get it on the web.

 	Cool.. no patches needed then?

>    Since I have always used NCD terminals for NAS, I haven't spent much
> time working with nasd.  I was able to get it running on the
> Playstation.  The sound clips aren't working as expected however.  When
> you play a sound it sounds like it's skipping, almost like a record
> skipping.  Then after repeated tries, some that were working started
> doing the same thing.

 	Odd... Does auplay do this too?  Server debugging help? (I assume 
you are using 1.7?).

>   If anyone has any nasd tricks or ideas, I would be happy to give them
> a shot.   The sound system works perfectly on the PS2 from Linux using
> the 'play' command, the sound comes right out the speaker of the
> television.

 	You might see if playing around with maxfrags and fragsize in 
nasd.conf helps...  Maybe increase maxfrags to 10 as a start?

>  My ultimate goal is to use NAS and the libaudio stuff to redirect
> sound from my Linux server back to the PS2.  Then I can XDM into the
> bigger server and use the PS2 as a thin client at 1080i.
> Thanks in advance, and I'll see if I can get that RPM built.
> Dave

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
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