[nas] FTP space for NAS packages request...

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Mon Mar 15 00:09:22 MST 2004

	I don't suppose anyone on this list has some good ftp space laying
around that I could use for NAS?  Back when NAS was around 150 downloads a
week, the bandwith was no problem... But now we are up to around 500-700 a
day and it's just killing the bandwidth.  I'd say about 80% of the web
bandwidth is NAS package downloads.

	What I would like to do is have some ftp space somewhere where I
could keep all of the NAS packages, and simply point to them from the web
site, sparing my DSL bandwidth.

	Any takers?

	Also, if anyone is interested in mirroring the website as well,
that might be helpful too (as well as wise, in case my internet access
dies for some reason - which does happen from time to time).

	Thanks to anyone who can help!

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
ID: 1A9A2B09, FP: C23F328A721264E7 B6188192EC733962
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