[nas] NAS 1.4.2d (devel) is available

Erik Inge Bolsø knan at mo.himolde.no
Fri Nov 30 10:11:28 MST 2001

On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Jon Trulson wrote:
>	on http://radscan.com/nas.html
>	The big change is an attempt at threadsafety for libaudio.
>1.4.2d  11/25/2001
>	- implemented locking in libaudio via Xthread mutexes.  This
>is kind of a big change, but the result should be a threadsafe
>libaudio.  I used Xthreads, because then theoretically I shouldn't
>have to care about the system's actual thread implementation.  I've
>tested so far on Linux (uses pthread_*) and Unixware 2.03 (uses
>thr_*).  So far so good.  Let me know if you run into a problem,
>but you probably never will. ;-)

Woohoo! Thanks for this one, Jon, now I'm completely unable to make xmms
hang when I use it with libaudiooss, even the "trash volume from left to
right and back very fast" test that trivially crashed things earlier
work now :)

Erik I. Bolsø | email: <knan at mo.himolde.no>
The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to
hang yourself.  And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.

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