[nas] nas svn?

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Wed Feb 6 18:51:23 MST 2008

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Paul Fox wrote:

> hi erik, jon -- is NAS svn down?  i have a feeling that it is,
> and that this mail (to the list) isn't going anywhere either
> until something good happens at radscan...
> (the primary MX for radscan.com isn't responding.)

   Hmm, got the email... Might have been throttled for awhile due to
   the incredible amounts of spam i get.  What were the error(s) (off
   list of course :)

   All other network services are running fine and active...

   svn: checked, and svn seems to be fine as well (remember, it's
   hosted at SF now).

Happy cheese in fear                 | Jon Trulson
against oppressor, rebel!            | mailto:jon at radscan.com
Brocolli, hostage.       -Unknown    | #include <std/disclaimer.h>

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