[nas] NAS 1.8 (stable) is available

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Sun Jun 4 12:48:01 MDT 2006

On Sun, 4 Jun 2006, James Lee wrote:

> On 03/06/06, 22:16:25, Jon Trulson <jon at radscan.com> wrote regarding [nas]
> NAS 1.8 (stable) is available:
> I notice the SONAME has changed to libaudio.so.2.4. The version has
> gone from 2.3 to 2.4, I don't mean the file name but the SONAME in
> the elf headers.  There are no changes to the header files, has the
> API changed?  Why the change the SONAME?  Why add the version to the
> SONAME?  What should the SONAME be?

         I've always updated the SONAME whenever the library is changed
         in any significant way (like the Alibint and the connection logic
         in this version).  If the API itself were to change in an
         incompatible way, then the major number would be incremented,
         otherwise I just increment the minor...

         However, after doing a little googling on the subject, the
         general consensus seems to be to only change the SONAME when
         an actual API/ABI change is made that would make the library
         incompatible with previous verisons.  This seems sensible, and
         will be the practice I follow in the future.

         I need to figure out the SO 'release version' number stuff
         though so it is easy to tell what library is what.  Even
         though no ABI/API change may occur, the behavior of the
         library could be altered by future updates/bug fixes - I'd
         like some way of knowing exactly which '2.4' library I'm
         dealing with.

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
ID: 1A9A2B09, FP: C23F328A721264E7 B6188192EC733962
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#include <std/disclaimer.h>
"No Kill I" -Horta

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