[nas] [Announce] libaudiooss 0.9.14

Erik Inge Bolsø knan at mo.himolde.no
Tue Oct 2 17:26:10 MDT 2001


Well, libaudiooss seems to be stabilizing. First update in nine months at
least point either in that direction, or in the direction that I've been
lazy on this front for a while ;)

All comments, questions, success stories, beer, hate mail, etc. welcome.

For those unfamiliar with the project:
Libaudiooss is a transparent OSS sound driver emulation on top of NAS.
Mainly for Linux, though success and failure stories from other OS'es are

New in this release, 0.9.14:
 * Integrated Tobias Diedrich's rewrite of nasaudio.c. He seems to
   actually understand NAS a bit, which can not be said of me. Thus now
   mplayer works, and the rewrite also removed quite a few ugly warts -
   like the infamous AUDIOOSS_WINE_HACK env variable.
 * Stole a trick from alsa-oss by Abramo Bagnara - so now
     cat argh.wav >/dev/{dsp,audio} works.
 * In general, should work a lot better than the previous version.

Upgrade recommended.

Available from the usual place:
<URL: http://www.mo.himolde.no/~knan/linux.html >

Erik I. Bolsø | email: <knan at mo.himolde.no>
The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to
hang yourself.  And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.

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