[nas] NAS with XVision

Ola Andersson rand at ling.umu.se
Thu Nov 9 07:27:56 MST 2000


I using XVision under Windows which has support for NAS.
I can play files, but certain samplingfrequencies sounds
bad. XVision can only play 11025,22050 and 44100 Hz and
when I play 16000 Hz sounds it resamples the sound.
Is this resampling done by XVision or NAS?

Ola Andersson                       mailto:rand at ling.umu.se
Research Engineer                   http://www.ling.umu.se/~rand
Department of Phonetics             Phone: +46 90 786 56 81
Umea University                     Fax:   +46 90 203 26 95

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