Table of Contents
auphone - a simple telephone client
auphone [-a servername]
[-v volume] [-l latency] [-r filename]
auphone allows two-way real
time voice communication between two audio servers.
The following
options can be used with auphone:
- -a servername
- This option specifies the
audio server to which auphone should connect.
- -v volume
- This is the volume,
in percent, for the incoming ring sound. The default is 15 percent.
- -l latency
- This
is the latency, in seconds, of the auphone connection. A lower value will
result in better real-time communications at the expense of possibly overloading
the server (causing dropouts) and a greater network duty cycle. A higher
value will lessen the load on the server and decrease the network duty
cycle but will increase the communications delay. The default value is
.25 seconds.
- -r filename
- You can personalize your incoming ringing sound using
the -r option. Simply specify the filename of an audio file to use for the
incoming ring sound. Note that this sound will be looped.
To place
a call, enter the address of the audio server that you wish to connect
with in the Who text field. Then hit RETURN or click on the Call button.
If the callee is accepting calls, you should hear a ringing sound. If
the callee answers, the username and server address of the callee will
be displayed. To disconnect, click on the Hangup button.
To receive incoming
calls, you must already be running auphone. To answer an incoming call,
click on the Answer button. You may also determine who's calling before
you answer by clicking on the Caller ID button.
Once you're connected, the
Volume slider controls the volume of the speaker output and the Input Gain
slider and Input Mode toggle control the gain and mode of the microphone
or line input.
auphone uses the X Toolkit
Intrinsics and the Athena Widget Set. For more information, see the Athena
Widget Set documentation.
In addition to the standard toolkit
environment variables, the following environment variables are used by
- This variable specifies the default audio server to
contact if -a is not specified on the command line. If this variable is
not set and the -a is not specified on the command line, auphone will attempt
to connect to the audio server running on the X Window System display.
, X(1)
Copyright 1993 Network Computing Devices, Inc.
Greg Renda, Network Computing Devices, Inc.
Table of Contents