following example shows the output produced by auinfo when connected to
an NCD MCX(tm) display station:
Audio Server: tcp/lemkemcx:8000 Version Number: 2.0 Vendor: Network Computing Devices Inc. Vendor Release: 3000 Min Sample Rate: 1000 Max Sample Rate: 52000 Max Tracks: 32 Number of Formats: 7 Formats: ULAW8 LinearUnsigned8 LinearSigned8 LinearSigned16MSB LinearUnsigned16MSB LinearSigned16LSB LinearUnsigned16LSB Number of Elem Types: 11 Element Types: ImportClient ImportDevice ImportBucket Bundle MultiplyConstant AddConstant Sum ExportClient ExportDevice ExportBucket ExportMonitor Number of Wave Forms: 0 Number of Actions: 2 Actions: ChangeState SendNotify Number of Devices: 5 Device 0: Changable: Gain LineMode ID: 0x34 Kind: PhysicalInput Use: Import Format: LinearSigned16MSB Num Tracks: 1 Access: Import List Description: "Mono Channel Input" Min Rate: 1000 Max Rate: 52000 Location: Left Right External Gain Percent: 15 Line Mode: High Device 1: Changable: Gain ID: 0x32 Kind: PhysicalOutput Use: Export Format: LinearSigned16MSB Num Tracks: 2 Access: Export List Description: "Stereo Channel Output" Min Rate: 1000 Max Rate: 52000 Location: Left Right External Gain Percent: 24 Num Children: 2 Children: 0x30 0x31 Device 2: Changable: Gain ID: 0x33 Kind: PhysicalOutput Use: Export Format: LinearSigned16MSB Num Tracks: 1 Access: Export List Description: "Mono Channel Output" Min Rate: 1000 Max Rate: 52000 Location: Left Right External Gain Percent: 24 Num Children: 2 Children: 0x30 0x31 Device 3: Changable: Gain ID: 0x31 Kind: PhysicalOutput Use: Export Format: LinearSigned16MSB Num Tracks: 1 Access: Export List Description: "Right Channel Output" Min Rate: 1000 Max Rate: 52000 Location: Right External Gain Percent: 24 Num Children: 0 Device 4: Changable: Gain ID: 0x30 Kind: PhysicalOutput Use: Export Format: LinearSigned16MSB Num Tracks: 1 Access: Export List Description: "Left Channel Output" Min Rate: 1000 Max Rate: 52000 Location: Left External Gain Percent: 24 Num Children: 0 Number of Buckets: 0 Bucket 0: ID: 0x1400008 Kind: Bucket Use: Import Export Format: ULAW8 Num Tracks: 1 Access: Import Export Destroy List Description: "Monty Python - Australian Table Wines" Sample Rate: 8000 Num Samples: 697944 Bucket 1: ID: 0x1400007 Kind: Bucket Use: Import Export Format: LinearUnsigned8 Num Tracks: 1 Access: Import Export Destroy List Description: ""I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that" - HAL from 2001" Sample Rate: 22255 Num Samples: 85504 Bucket 2: ID: 0x1400006 Kind: Bucket Use: Import Export Format: LinearUnsigned8 Num Tracks: 1 Access: Import Export Destroy List Description: ""He's dead, Jim" - Dr. McCoy" Sample Rate: 11128 Num Samples: 31602