Table of Contents
Sound - audio file description.
#include <audio/sound.h>
typedef struct
. . .
}SoundRec, *Sound;
Do not dereference the members of the SoundRec
structure directly. Instead use the access macros.
sound is a Sound, a pointer
to a SoundRec structure.
- SoundFileFormat(sound)
- Accesses the int value giving
the format of the sound file.
- SoundFileFormatString(sound)
- Accesses the string
description of the format of the sound file.
- SoundDataFormat(sound)
- Accesses
the int value giving the data format of the sound file.
- SoundDataFormatString(sound)
- Accesses
the string description of the data format of the sound file.
- SoundNumTracks(sound)
- Accesses
the int value giving the number of tracks in the audio data in the sound
- SoundSampleRate(sound)
- Accesses the int value giving the samples rate
of the audio data in the sound file.
- SoundNumSamples(sound)
- Accesses the
int value giving the total number of samples.
- SoundComment(sound)
- Accesses
the string comment.
- SoundBytesPerSample(sound)
- Returns the bytes per sample
of audio data.
- SoundNumBytes(sound)
- Returns the total number of bytes of
audio data in the sound file.
- SoundValidateDataFormat(sound)
- Returns true
if the sound file format is a valid format.
The SoundRec structure
describes an audio file.
SoundCloseFile, SoundCreate, SoundFlushFile,
SoundOpenFileForReading, SoundOpenFileWriting, SoundReadFile, SoundRewindFile,
SoundSeekFile, SoundTellFile, SoundWriteFile.
audiolib - Network Audio System
C Language Interface
Table of Contents