[nas] Re: You are apparently unaware that you (with NAS) are violating the GPL?

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Sat Jun 9 19:10:40 MDT 2007

On Sun, 10 Jun 2007, Per Øyvind Karlsen wrote:

> On Saturday 09 June 2007 22:57:36 Jon Trulson wrote:
>>> I know how to admit when I
>>> for adopting a sharp tone when I see someone slyly trying to evade
>>> responsibility for exploitatively abusing other people's
>>> programming and support work, and evade legal oblgations under the
>>> GPL Copyleft, I don't apologize for that.
> This is just sad, so very, very sad..
> I don't think no matter how much you try that this person will admit his own
> mistakes for real..

   He came close in his last email :)  But you are right, I am not
   going to waste any more time on it :)

> Still a bit amusing none the less.. ;)
> btw. do you know if this guy have any actual involvement with anything
> discussed here, or did he just pick a ~random target to bitch at? Not that
> uncommon type of people unfortunatel..

   I have no idea what brought him to me, other than I am the
   maintainer and there is apparently some evil plot against him and/or
   cygwin.  Whatever. :)

Jon Trulson
mailto:jon at radscan.com 
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"No Kill I" -Horta

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