[nas] NAS 1.7c (devel) is now available

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Tue May 16 19:21:33 MDT 2006

         .. at the usual place ( http://radscan.com/nas.html )

         This should probably become a stable 1.8 in a couple weeks
         unless something bad has happened, or more patches come

         Here's the relevant HISTORY entry:

Version 1.7c (devel) 05/16/2006

          - time for another stable release.

          - Correct problem in auvoxware, where if MixerInit is set to
            false, remote volume (mixer) requests are ignored.
            Reported by Paul Fox, with a fix determined by Steve
            McIntyre and Erik Auerswald.

          - Applied patch from Nicolas Escuder correcting a Cygwin
            issue in auvoxware.c

          - applied patch from Erik Auerswald adding a Mute button and
            functionality to aupanel.

          - applied patch from Nicolas Franois  (via Steve McIntyre)
            correcting some typos in the AuSetBucketAttributes and
            AuSoundCreateFileFromBucket man pages.

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
ID: 1A9A2B09, FP: C23F328A721264E7 B6188192EC733962
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