[nas] NAS 1.8 (stable) is available

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Mon Jun 5 16:35:46 MDT 2006

On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, James Lee wrote:

> On 04/06/06, 22:38:29, Jon Trulson <jon at radscan.com> wrote regarding Re:
> [nas] NAS 1.8 (stable) is available:
>>> You can still change the library number, just as you have to 2.4 but
>>> leave the the minor rev increment off the SONAME in the elf headers.
>>          Well, SONAME is used to contruct the library name as well -
>>          only the major number is made a part of the ELF soname.
> There is the problem because it's not happening.



>>             I do not think we would want to mess with a system's Concat
>>             definition :)
> It's SharedLibraryTarget that is used, Concat is just part of the
> definition.  And no, we don't want to change it either, but it's not
> doing what we want so it needs a new SharedLibraryTarget macro in
> the template.
>>          I have attached a patch for config/NetAudio.tmpl that will do
>>          this... Older solaris apps still linked with libs that have
>>          the 2.3 soname will still need relinking I guess, but it
>>          should avoid this problem on solaris going forward.
> That now uses the libaudio.so.2 as the SONAME but also calls the library
> that too.  So there is no version to label the file.

   Is that ok?  I'll just keep in mind that if we do an API/ABI break,
   we bump the major.

   Looking at an S10 U1 box here at work, it appears that's what solaris
   does with all of it's libs anyway...  With very few exceptions
   (gnome), all the libs in /lib and /usr/lib are simply using the
   major in the filename (as well as the SONAME of course).

   That's why I propose that for solaris, we use the patch (which will
   be included in next release).  Yes, no matter what we do now,
   linkage is broken.  But using the patch, we should be okay going
   forward.  Then a symlink from libaudio.so.2.3 -> libaudio.so.2
   will be required until the solaris apps depending on nas can be
   relinked with the new version (+ the patch I sent).

> Obviously what we want is the real file called .so.2.4, links from
> .so.2 and .so to .so.2.4 and the SONAME to be .so.2.
> Can imake do it?  I don't know.  I know I can post configure modify
> easily.  One edit and one extra link.  <rant>Porting "OS independent"
> build configurations takes longer than porting code, libtool is the
> worst system I know.</rant>

         hehe, but I'm not using libtool :)  I do not think solaris
         want's the full '.so.2.4', it just wants the '.2' in the
         filename and SO.  So I think the patch I sent is the way to go
         in the future.  There should then be no further breakage when
         the minor is updated.

> A crutch link from .so.2.3 to .so.2.4 will save relinking dependents.

         Sure, short-term.  Long term: patch and .so.2 :)

> James.

Jon Trulson
mailto:jon at radscan.com http://radscan.com/~jon
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