[nas] Can play file with AuSoundPlayFromFile

Pooly pooly7 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 07:57:34 MDT 2006


I've installed NAS successfully and auplay works correctly. But if I
do AuSoundPlayFromFile, I can't hear anything from the speaker.

bool HFInitSound()
        nas = AuOpenServer( NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
        if ( nas == NULL)
                fprintf(stderr, "Can't connect to audio server.\n");
        return nas != NULL;

the above code return true, so I guess the connection to the server is ok.
The following runs fine, but no sound though :
void HFPlaySound( const char *soundName)
        if ( nas ) {
               AuFixedPoint volume, AuFixedPointFromFraction(100,100);
               if ( AuSoundPlayFromFile( nas, soundName, AuNone, volume,
                              NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL ) == NULL )
                   fprintf(stderr, "Can't play audio.\n");

Have you got any idea how to investigate this ?
I've checked mixer volume, the $AUDIOSERVER variable, that nasd was
running, auplay works well...


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