[nas] Keeping sound files on the server (Question)

Iftikhar Rathore iftikharrathore at iphonica.com
Fri Dec 9 17:20:14 MST 2005

How can I create a bucket. I remember it being much simple. Suppose I
have a wav file, how do I turn it into a bucket. Is that possible to do
without writing C code?.

Where do bucket files go?. Is there a place with more info that looking
at code in examples?.

On Fri, 2005-12-09 at 15:54 -0700, Jon Trulson wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, Iftikhar Rathore wrote:
> > Hi
> > Question: How can I play sound files that are on the server, to save
> > bandwidth.
> >
> > I have used nas extensively about 10 years ago, and I remember it was
> > possible to play files that existed on the server, as far as I remember
> > it  was a conf file entry and was very easy to configure.
> >
> > I do see it listed in the features, but I do not see any reference to it
> > anywhere. I tried going through the mailing list but failed. I need that
> > feature badly since my links are nor big enough to be able to transfer
> > sound files on the fly. Below is the excrept from the nas website:
> >
> >
> >
> > Key features of the Network Audio System include:
> >
> >      * Device-independent audio over the network
> >      * Lots of audio file and data formats
> >      * Can store sounds in server for rapid replay
> >              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    HOW??
>                 These are handled via buckets (similiar to pixmaps in
>                 X).  You create a bucket(s) with the chosen waveforms,
>                 which are then stored server-side.  You then play the
>                 bucket of choice.  There is some example code in the
>                 examples dir that use buckets...

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