[nas] shutting down cleanly

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Mon Oct 4 17:01:45 MDT 2004

On Sun, 3 Oct 2004, Paul England wrote:

> Is there a way to shut down nasd cleanly?  I'm convinced my previous
> probablems are not related to nasd (either the OS, or the platform that I'm
> using to talk to nasd).  I still, however, have one problem.
> Using the kill command always leaves a file.  /tmp/.sockets/audio[x]
> where x = the port offset I use for nasd.  Until I delete this file, I cant' 
> use that
> as the port offset.

 	What are the permissions on this file?  Should be 777... Perhaps 
your OS is doing some 'extra' /tmp/ maintenance?  I'm looking at Mandrake 
9.1 at the moment...

 	What kind of error do you get?

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
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