[nas] mpg123/ogg123 + netcat instead of NAS

Bob Arctor curious at pb194.luban.sdi.tpnet.pl
Tue Nov 18 05:36:17 MST 2003

hey. i am lame coder, but i found workaround to make simple compression using netcat and mpg123 :)
netcat -l -p 666 | mpg123 
on 'server' side
and cat anything.wav | lame -b32 - - | netcat [server ip] 666
plays the sound :)

using sox and oggenc one can make simple hi-quality netphone, and so on... 

now i only wonder how to force 'usual' apps to send data to codec | netcat.
indeed open(/dev/dsp) is a no-no ..

i wonder about using something like esd or jackd to send data to codec and netcat...

the main idea is modularity - one can use i.e. sox and gzip , or whatever comes to your mind 

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