[nas] Re: debugging help: nas enabled mpg123 sounds slow and scratchy?

Scott Presnell srp at tworoads.net
Mon Mar 3 22:59:09 MST 2003

Jon Trulson wrote:
>>Changing nasd.conf, restarting nasd, and using audioctl -a to check
>>parameters I found:
>>	a) altering maxfrags corresponds to, and changes hiwat as 				expected.
>>	b) altering minfrags does not alter lowat (always == 1)
> 	This I will need to look into.

OK, here I was wrong... hiwat and lowat are both correctly managed 
*while the sample is playing* (I was just restarting nasd to check).

>>	c) altering fragsize does not alter blocksize (always == 2048)
> 	I can try to look at this too, but I don't think this is related
> to your problem...
(Blocksize is still fixed at 2048.)

What I also note, while the sample is playing is that audioctl -a reports


when I hear chop (e.g. at 44100Hz)



when it sounds fine (e.g. at 32000Hz)

from NetBSD sys/audioio.h

u_char	error;		/* non-zero if underflow/overflow ocurred */

So it sounds like the driver is responding with "overflow ocurred"?

Is there anywhere I can go with this?


	- Scott

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