[nas] Clients die upon server death -- workaround?

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Thu Jan 23 10:43:31 MST 2003

On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Lex Spoon wrote:

> Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 12:32:33 -0400
> From: Lex Spoon <lex at cc.gatech.edu>
> To: nas at radscan.com
> Subject: Re: [nas] Clients die upon server death -- workaround?
> Jon Trulson <jon at radscan.com> wrote:
> > 	The issue you will run into, is that after your error handler
> > returns, libaudio will then exit().
> That seems silly.  Why not reset the data structures?  In fact, doesn't
> NAS let you have connections to multiple servers, just like in X?  Then,
> can't it just close down the one connection?

	Yes... it is a little silly, I'm guessing Greg et. al. Just didn't
want to mess with it.  I'm sure with a little work, this issue could be
corrected... Would just need to make sure the aud struct is freed/null'd I
would think.

> Anyway, I am posting because I have also observed the opposite case:
> sometimes when I control-c a program that is playing audio, I have seen
> the *server* crash....

	Can you get this to happen reliably so I can try to duplicate it?
Maybe there is a problem with malformed protocol requests...  I tried a
few times with auplay and couldn't get it to happen...

> Lex

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
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