[nas] Solaris x86 trouble continues.

Victor Wagner vitus at ice.ru
Thu Oct 24 03:06:04 MDT 2002

On 2002.10.24 at 12:26:54 +0400, Victor Wagner wrote:

> Since I wrote my previos message about unability to play sound via NAS
> on solaris x86, I've tried several suggestions.
> First, I've upgraded to NAS 1.6
> Second, I've tried various options in config file, but it seems
> that nasd.conf file is irrelevant to my setup.

I've found in server/dda/sun/ausuni.c
code which recognizes audio device and added there
SUNW,sb16 device, with max rate 44100. 
Now auinfo reports:

Audio Server:           tcp/gather:8000
Version Number:         2.2
Vendor:                 Network Audio System Release 1.6 - Sun unified dda (runn
ing on SUNW,sb16)
Vendor Release:         1
Min Sample Rate:        8000
Max Sample Rate:        44100
Max Tracks:             32
Number of Formats:      7
Formats:                ULAW8  LinearUnsigned8  LinearSigned8  
                        LinearSigned16MSB  LinearUnsigned16MSB  
                        LinearSigned16LSB  LinearUnsigned16LSB  
Number of Elem Types:   12
Element Types:          ImportClient  ImportDevice  ImportBucket  
                        ImportWaveForm  Bundle  MultiplyConstant  AddConstant  
                        Sum  ExportClient  ExportDevice  ExportBucket  
Number of Wave Forms:   2
Wave Forms:             Square  Sine  
Number of Actions:      3
Actions:                ChangeState  SendNotify  Noop  

But this doesn't fix playing of even 22KHz wav files.

Btw, I think that Solaris device recognition code needs redesign - there is number of static constants which identify specific devices, and they even are not 
collected into array.

Victor Wagner			vitus at ice.ru
Chief Technical Officer		Office:7-(095)-748-53-88
Communiware.Net 		Home: 7-(095)-135-46-61
http://www.communiware.net      http://www.ice.ru/~vitus

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