[nas] NAS 1.5g (devel) is now available

Raymond Toy toy at rtp.ericsson.se
Wed Oct 9 08:13:27 MDT 2002

>>>>> "Jon" == Jon Trulson <jon at radscan.com> writes:

    Jon> On 9 Oct 2002, Raymond Toy wrote:
    >> I'll send the file separately.  (Which address?  xig.com or
    >> radscan.com?)  It's about 21k.  Some hints on getting this to support
    >> AUDIOSERVER envvar would be nice too. :-)

    Jon> 	radscan.com ;-)  So, if it doesn't use AUDIOSERVER, how are you

In a few moments, I'll send it.

    Jon> telling it which server to use?  If it's using AuOpenServer() (what else
    Jon> could it be using), then simply passing in NULL as the first arg should do
    Jon> it...

It uses xemacs display structures to figure out what X display to use.

Ok, I guess I can check if AUDIOSERVER exists and call it
AuOpenServer(NULL,...) in that case.  

But I think this may not be a good idea since xemacs supports displays
on many different X displays at the same time (say, one to my, one to
my Windows box, another to someone's workstation, etc.), so one
AUDIOSERVER where all sound goes may not be right. :-)


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