[nas] issue about libaudio.so

Andreas Voegele voegelas at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Nov 8 12:35:38 MST 2002

Jon Trulson writes:

> On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> > Adding -lXau causes problems for me in Debian - the build fails on
> > architectures (like HPPA) where library code _must_ be built with
> > position-independent code (-fPIC). Debian don't ship a .so version
> > of libXau, just libXau.a.

This may be a bug in Debian.  According to XFree86's linux.cf, X11
should be built with SharedLibXau set to YES under HPPA:

 #  ifdef HPArchitecture
 #   define SharedLibXau		YES
 #  endif /* HPArchitecture */

It seems that the Debian maintainers have changed this setting.
Probably they use the same configuration on all architectures.

> 	I'm going to guess that the Xau (Authentication Utilities) were
> moved somewhere else in debian - perhaps libX11?

Only libXau.a seems to exist under Debian (which is the default on the
i386 architecture according to linux.cf and X11.tmpl).

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