[nas] [Announce] libaudiooss 0.9.16

Erik Inge Bolsø knan at mo.himolde.no
Sat Jan 12 18:37:45 MST 2002


Brown paper bag release. Fixes a locking bug that would cause most
multithreaded programs to deadlock.

New in this release, 0.9.16:
  Fixes a serious deadlock bug.

All comments, questions, success stories, beer, hate mail, etc. welcome.

For those unfamiliar with the project:
Libaudiooss is a transparent OSS sound driver emulation on top of NAS.
Mainly for Linux, though success and failure stories from other OS'es are

Available from a new, semi-permanent location:
<URL: http://romeo.skybert.no/~erik/linux.html >

(www.mo.himolde.no seems to have a newfound streak of extreme paranoia,
locking out all non-.no html page viewers. Thus, I've moved audiooss to a
server I control personally.)

Erik I. Bolsø | email: <knan at mo.himolde.no>
The UNIX philosophy basically involves giving you enough rope to
hang yourself.  And then a couple of feet more, just to be sure.

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