[nas] NAS 1.5a (development) is now available

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Sat Feb 23 22:33:51 MST 2002

	Version 1.5a, a development version of NAS, is now available at
the usual place ( http://www.radscan.com/nas.html ).  It's mainly a bugfix
release and the addition of a new 'gain' option in nasd.conf.

	I'm hoping it addresses all of the issues discussed recently on
the list concerning v1.5, though it doesn't fix anything with the
libaudiooss/solaris hang reported with mpg123 - nothing I can do there, as
it looks like a kernel problem so far...

	Here is the CHANGES file:

1.5a    2/23/2002

	- more STARTSERVER fixes - there was still one case where when
          STARTSERVER was defined, nasd could be called with the wrong
          display number due to a bug in _AuConnectServer.

	- changed LEX/YACC DEBUG token to CDEBUG to avoid conflicts
          when building nas with '-DDEBUG'

	- DEFAULT_AUSERVER is now ":0" rather than
          "tcp/localhost:8000".  A local socket connection will startup
          faster than a tcp connection.
	- mutex.h
		- corrected unixware 7.x build problem
                  (XMUTEX_INITIALIZER) in mutex.h 
		- added same check for sun/solaris boxes
		- got rid of XUSE_MTSAFE_API - now controlled by
                  NAS_USEMTSAFEAPI defined in config/NasConfig.h

		  If you think you are having mutex problems, you can
		  edit config/NasConfig.h and '#undef'
		  NAS_USEMTSAFEAPI, then rebuild everthing.  This will
		  turn off threadsafety in libaudio.

	- added patch from Tobias Diedrich to fix deadlock in

	- added new mutex in audio/Alibint.c to protect
          _AuReadEvents() since it can no longer rely on the server
          lock as a result of Tobias's patch above.

	- added new option, 'gain', to config file in the input/output
          sections.  This sets the default gains when nasd starts up
          (if MixerInit is enabled).  Only in voxware for now.


	added -lXt and -lXau to the lib dependancy for libaudio.so on
	Linux systems per a request from Lorenzo Delana.


	- fixed bug in ConnSvr.c that could cause the wrong server
          number to passed to nasd when STARTSERVER is defined.

	As usual, feedback is appreciated ;-)

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
ID: 1A9A2B09, FP: C23F328A721264E7 B6188192EC733962
PGP keys at http://radscan.com/~jon/PGPKeys.txt
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
Bad Color Temperature, Too much Peach.

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