[nas] NAS 1.5 problem

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Wed Feb 6 10:19:19 MST 2002

On 6 Feb 2002, Raymond Toy wrote:

> Date: 06 Feb 2002 12:07:53 -0500
> From: Raymond Toy <toy at rtp.ericsson.se>
> To: jon at radscan.com
> Cc: NAS Mailing List <nas at radscan.com>
> Subject: Re: [nas] NAS 1.5 problem
> >>>>> "Jon" == Jon Trulson <jon at radscan.com> writes:
>     Jon> 	If you are building NAS with STARTSERVER, then yes there is a bug.  
>     Jon> The AuStartServer() call doesn't properly handle unix addresses
>     Jon> (tcp/host:port) but does handle the X format (:server).  If this is the
>     Jon> case, I have a fix I can send you.  Meant to put it up in a dev release
>     Jon> last weekend but didn't have time.
>     Jon> 	If you are not using STARTSERVER, then the problem is elsewhere
>     Jon> and I'll try to duplicate it.
> I believe I did use STARTSERVER.  You can send the fix to me and I'll
> try it out when I get home tonight.

	Yeah, I can't send it now as I'm at work, and the box holding the
NAS repository is down for a little video card surgery.  I'll send it when
I get home tonight.

> Note that I don't have this problem on a fairly old NAS on Solaris
> with STARTSERVER.  Too lazy to update because if it ain't broke, don't
> fix it.

	Yeah... It crept in when a change was made in 1.5 to default to
'tcp/localhost:8000' if no DISPLAY or AUDIOSERVER was defined.  Since
AuStartServer() didn't handle these types of addresses properly, it then
starts a server on port 8000 + 8000, which doesn't work very well ;-)

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
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