[nas] Can NAS support multiple users on a server?

Hugo Lovhoiden Hugo.Lovhoiden at nr.no
Thu Jan 25 04:00:41 MST 2001

On Wed, 24 Jan 2001, Jon Trulson wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Jan 2001, Nick Ing-Simmons wrote:
> > If NAS has retained its X heritage, then you should be able to
> > specify something akin to DISPLAY 17:0 and start a nas-per-sunray
> > same way as there is an X-per-sunray.
> >
> 	It has retained that heritage ;-)  The thing I'm concerned about
> is A) will nasd (ausuni) work with these audio devices, and B) I would
> think NAS would have to be 'adjusted' to open $AUDIODEV instead of the
> currently psuedo-hardcoded device paths...  But if that's all there is to
> it, then it seems pretty trivial...

A) Yes. Linking /dev/audio and /dev/audioctl to these pseudo devices (in
this case /tmp/SUNWut/dev/utaudio/21) enables one user to start nasd and
receive audio over the network from our Windows 2000 terminal server using
Citrix Unix Integration Services (using X11, not ICA). UIS has built in
NAS support -- it was previously a NCD product. I had a bit of trouble
with nasd locking up (using v1.4.1), but I had a bit of trouble compiling
it, too, so it's probably just me.

B) The hardcoding of /dev/audio and /dev/audioctl in ausuni.c may be
viewed as a problem by some... :-)

The thing is, if I could get NAS to work with the SunRays I could use them
as thin Windows clients using XDM -query to a windows terminal server
running Citrix Unix Integration services. Well, if I could figure out how
to make UIS check for a NAS server on other ports than 8000 that is...
That'd give me Ultra thin windows clients with 24-bit color support (X11
walks all over ICA in a LAN) and _real_ sound support, not ICA sound.

Hugo Løvhøiden
 IT-sjef, Norsk Regnesentral
 <mailto:Hugo.Lovhoiden at nr.no>, <http://www.nr.no>
 Tlf: 22852653/22852500, Fax: 22697660, Box 114 Blindern, 0314 Oslo

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