[nas] Redirect audio output from Linux to NT-PC

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Wed Jan 24 20:06:36 MST 2001

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 patrik.koch at philips.com wrote:

> Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 17:42:34 +0100
> From: patrik.koch at philips.com
> To: nas at radscan.com
> Subject: [nas] Redirect audio output from Linux to NT-PC
> Hello all!
> I'm a new member of this mailing list and hope you gurus can help me!
> We're working on Linux workstations (RedHat 6.2) without sound cards remotely from Windows-NT PCs
> via X Display Server software like ReflectionX.
> Now we want to "redirect" the audio output generated on the Linux workstations to the PCs
> so that the user sitting in front of the PC can hear the generated sound output.
> What software do I have to install on the Linux workstations to redirect the audio output.
> Do we have to modify our applications that generate the audio 
> And which PC-based application is able to receive this networked audio output? PC-Xware, RealPlayer, ...?

	For the linux workstations, all you need to build and install is
the headers, audio library, and clients.  It will also build a server for
you, but you won't need that, as there is no sound hw on the linux
machines to use it with.

	For the Windows box, you will need an Xserver that has NAS
support.  Someone on the list mentioned earlier that there was a server
for windows out there with NAS support built in, but I can remember what
it was called.  I guess I should consider adding a search function to the
list archives page ;-)

	The only other alternative for windows is to port/create a NAS
server for it.  I know there are many out there who want one, but nobody
has done it yet.  I don't do any Windows myself, so I haven't exactly been
eager to try it ;-)

> So please if you know the solution or have some tipps, please let me know.
> I'm neither a linux guru nor an audio specialist.
> Thank you very much in advance,

	Hopefully that helps, if only a little.

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
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