[nas] NAS with XVision

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Wed Nov 15 19:19:43 MST 2000

On 15 Nov 2000, Raymond Toy wrote:

> Date: 15 Nov 2000 18:00:26 -0500
> From: Raymond Toy <toy at rtp.ericsson.se>
> To: J. Thompson <jt at xsound.demon.co.uk>
> Cc: jon at radscan.com, Ola Andersson <rand at ling.umu.se>, nas at radscan.com
> Subject: Re: [nas] NAS with XVision
> >>>>> "J" == J Thompson <jt at xsound.demon.co.uk> writes:
>     J> real-time under Linux and is optimised for audio quality. The difficulty then
>     J> becomes how do you pipe the output of SOX into NAS. I'm afraid you can't as the
>     J> audio I/O bits in NAS don't work with stdin, there is an fseek in the code.  So
>     J> you have to reasmple your audio files and store the resampled files before
>     J> attempting to play them, which is probably not what you want. 
> Are you sure?  It's been a long time since I looked at the guts of
> NAS, but I'm pretty sure that Sun's au format doesn't need a seek at
> all.  So it shouldn't be too hard to modify auplay to read from stdin
> for au files.
> Maybe I'm totally wrong,

	Close... There was a previous thread on this that culminated in a
post by Charles Levert: http://radscan.com/nas/nas-ml/msg00348.html.  

	Basically, it's the fact that au format is the first in the list
of openFile hooks that are tried in order to determine the right format of
the data. The first one (au) wins if it matches, so no fseeks are done in
the following hooks.

	This would be a good thing to properly handle in the next
release...  Anybody want to take a stab at it? ;-)

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
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