[nas] imake for mandrake7.2?

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Thu Dec 28 14:27:04 MST 2000

On Thu, 28 Dec 2000, jonathan chetwynd wrote:

> Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 21:08:53 +0000
> From: jonathan chetwynd <jc at signbrowser.org.uk>
> To: nas at radscan.com
> Cc: jon at radscan.com
> Subject: [nas] imake for mandrake7.2?
> Hi i need excellent sounds for my client group.
> I'm using mandrake 7.2 but I've not used imake before, and may not have 
> chosen the right rpm*, a link with a brief note would be great. 
> tx and please excuse my ignorance.
> ps: I'm currently developing a browsing aid with festival and speechd, but 
> would prefer to use NAS instead.

	Good choice! ;-)

> ---
> *http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=XFree86-imake 
> I got this error message:
> [root at localhost jonathan]# rpm -vi /usr/src/XFree86-imake-4.0.1-5.i386.rpm 
> file /usr/X11R6/bin/lndir from install of XFree86-imake-4.0.1-5 conflicts 
> with file from package XFree86-4.0.1-26mdk    
> mind you caldera is written all over the link.
> I also found this
> http://www.hklpg.com/RPM/mandrake/XFree86-devel-4.0.1-28mdk.i586.html
> which does include imake, but it seems a lot to have to install that., just 
> for imake?

	If it's the full standard install, then you may already have
them... you didn't say if you checked.  In addition to imake, you will
need the imake config files... imake and xmkmf should be in
/usr/X11R6/bin/ if you have them, and the config files will be in

	You will also need some X11 headers and libraries.  Did you just
try to build NAS?  

Jon Trulson    mailto:jon at radscan.com
ID: 1A9A2B09, FP: C23F328A721264E7 B6188192EC733962
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