A happy new year?<br>
the jury is out on this one so far.<br>
last week for no discernable reason the root and data partition under
_linux_ on my new 320G sata hard drive went read-only! I'm 99.9%
certain it was a hardware fault, but have not found any clues as to why.<br>
I recovered the data partition but had to reboot to recover the
root...really screwed up quite a few files. I have a recent root
(/) backup, but sheesh. some good came of this - I finally found
a workaround for the big debian apt-get upgrade thats been piling up
since xfwm4 fucking refuses to uninstall so the upgrade can proceed.<br>
if this wasnt enough, at ~11:00pm 12.31.6 I was trying to install XP
and it wiped the partition table and put some junk in there!!
this must still be done because apparently dvdrecord on linux cant be
bothered to burn dvdr-DL on the drive I got just to backup some stuff
for a friend.<br>
now whilst I have all critical data backed up most of the time, a 320G
drive has just got too much stuff to keep everything backed up most of
the time. heck even part of the time. needless to say this
would have severly hurt conquest devel if I were stuck restoring all
files, configs, environments, etc.<br>
luckily I stumbled across this while steaming along under knoppix:<br>
<a href="http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk">http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk</a><br>
damn thing works like a charm - every partition restored in all its
glory...so if you ever accidentally (or perhaps intentionally on
winblows part, those rotten bastards) wipe a partition table - keep a
copy of that available on some bootable media. (it is a command line
app, so no need for win)<br>
<br clear="all">looks like I'll be spending the year doing backups.<br>
-Cataboligne<br>-- <br>----------------------------------------------<br> 3<br> 4 | 2<br> \|/<br> 5--*----> 1 Thing is facing this direction<br> /|\<br> 6 | 8<br> 7