[conquest] Conquest 8.2 (stable) is now released into the wild.

Jon Trulson jon at radscan.com
Fri Sep 1 20:28:30 MDT 2006

        It can be found at:

        Source tarball:

        SVN tagged release:

        SVN current (possibly unstable) development:

        From the HISTORY file:

        This version represents a major update to Conquest, primarily
        in the GL client, conquestgl.

        A variety of new enhancments and bugs fixes are present.

        By far the most work went into the GL client.  There were
        several important server fixes as well, so please upgrade your
        servers to this release if you run one :)

        The following section will outline the major changes to the
        various Conquest components in this version (compared to the
        last stable revision 8.1.2).  Following that is the much more
        detailed HISTORY that went into each intervening development
        release (if you are bored - it is *long*).

        - General

          - Conquest now creates a ~/.conquest/ directory in which to
            store conquestrc (the user config file), the conquest.log
            file, and texture/animation definitions, and images

            If you have an existing ~/.conquestrc config file you
            should copy it into ~/.conquest/conquestrc if you want to
            keep your settings.  The ~/.conquestrc is no longer used.

          - Using the new conqinit (CQI) parser, the planet
            initialization code was rewritten.  This makes it easier
            for someone to create 'custom' planet configuations for
            their server(s).

          - manpages for all of the commands.  Text documentation
            (README, CONQINIT.TXT, etc) are installed in
            <prefix>/share/doc/conquest now.

          - rework remote OPER commands.  Now use '/' as a prefix for
            sending certain commands to 'GOD' from within the game.
            Only users with the 'OPER' bit set in their user record can
            send oper commands to the server.  New commands allow
            OPER's to create robots and kill ships, in addition to
            starting/stopping server-based game recording.

          - correct problem where clients might exit incorrectly when
            an unexpected packet arrives during the welcome phase.

          - enhance recording protocol so that server recordings are
            easier to determine.  Always store the ship number that
            made the recording into the header.

            Existing recording (CQR) files are compatible.

          - previously, the client(s) tried to be smart and not waste
            the server's time with requests it knew the server would
            reject, for example, firing a phaser when you are cloaked.

            Unfortunately, this introduced race conditions when the
            connection had any significant lag, which would cause the
            client's idea of what would succeed to be incorrect.

            Now, we simply send such commands to the server, regardless
            of the local client's state, and let the server sort it

          - Add a new 'conqurule.easy' robot AI definition to the
            distribution.  This rule file makes the robots a bit less
            lethal to new players.  You can install it for a running
            game with something like 'conqstrat -U <conqrule.easy'.

          - switched to Subversion (svn) source code control.  An svn
            conquest repository can be found at:

            - 'current' (possibly unstable) development:

            - tagged (officially released) revisions:

        - conquestgl

          - All new cockpit (CP) with new ship artwork provided by
            Cataboligne (aka Roy).  He spent incredible amounts of time
            on acquiring new textures and adding them into Conquest.
            The CP looks *much* nicer as a result.  Among these:

            - new ship textures
            - team specific torp texture animations.  Torps are
              'directionally' displayed.
            - new per-team phaser textures
            - team-specific LR tactical grids
            - new doomsday texture.  Doomsday now fires a visible AP
              beam at unfortunate planets.
            - new shield textures (now you can see your shields as well
              as other ship's shields and their strengths).
            - Iconic ship status representation
            - new gauges
            - new conquest logos
            - he also supplied new texture management and planet
              configuration support.  However, these were removed and
              replaced with the CQI infrastructure I was already
              working on at the time.

          - rework some of the status indicators:

            - self destruct and current alert target are now shown in
              the viewer.
            - New alert 'pulse' messages are displayed in the viewer
              indicating: engines critical, engines overloaded,
              weapons critical, weapons overloaded, shield critical,
              hull critical, and fuel critical.
            - add torp 'pip' display based on original work by Cat.
              These indicate torp status (ready, in-flight,
            - show shield recharge status (when down)
            - show phaser charging status

          - bombing graphics.  You can see your explosions as you bomb
            victim planets.

          - Mouse support in the CP.  You can now assign macros to
            mouse buttons (+ modifiers).  This allows you to use the
            mouse in the viewer while in the CP to do... just about
            anything you can cram into a macro :)

            The default configuration assigns the left button to fire
            phasers at the indicated angle, middle button to set
            course, and right button to fire a torp.  Of course you
            can redefine these in the Options menu or by editing your
            ~/.conquest/conquestrc file directly.

            See the comments in the conquestrc file or the conquest(6)
            manpage for more information.

          - complete rewrite of the texture managent code.  Previously
            Conquest used 37 'hardcoded' textures.  With the new
            atrwork from Cat (173 textures), this was no longer a good
            way to do things :)  [Note the release distribution
            contains approximately 107 textures - many were removed
            from the orginal patch from Cat].

            CQI provides a way of adding (and allowing users to add or
            redefine) textures and animations using external human
            readable/editable text files parsed by CQI.

            For a complete description of CQI, See the CONQINIT.TXT
            file in the source distribution.  See the conqinit(6)
            manpage for information on the conqinit utility.

          - texture loader now suports RLE compressed TGA files.  All
            textures are supplied in compressed format now.

          - New negative energy barrier (NEB) rendering.

          - default resolution is 1024x768 now.  Can run in fullscreen
            by passing the -f flag to conquestgl.

          - UDP keepalive's are sent from the client to the server
            every 30 seconds from the GL client, regardless of what
            screen you are on.  Previously these were only sent if you
            were in the cockpit (CP).  This is needed to keep some
            firewalls happy.

          - fix off-by-one in GL ship list.

        - conquestd (game server)

          - fix very old (and rather serious) bug that prevented
            phasers fired within 315-360 degrees from causing any
            damage.  Server operators, please upgrade to this release

          - fix problem where the recording packet cache was not
            cleared when starting a new recording, except for the first

          - always emit at least one ship update via UDP (if enabled)
            to prevent some firewalls from closing down the connection
            after a period of seeming inactivity.

          - propagate SHIP_F_REPAIR flag for ships other than your own
            that are within scanning range so that shield status is
            accurate when repairing.

          - new SHIP_F_BOMBING flag so that clients can easily
            determine who is bombing a planet (for the bombing

        The following are the detailed notes for the intervening
        development versions leading up to this release.  Probably not
        worth reading unless you are looking for more details on the
        changes described above :)

        8.1.2k (devel - not publically released) 8/29/2006

        - get rid of '-d n.n' option, use '-B' option now for
          'benchmark mode'.  Still needs work to be useful.

        - add 'AUTO_RECORD' define in defs.h (default is undefined).
          When defined, the server automatically records all games.

        - convert remaining glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME) to

        - When loading textures, we now look for system-wide *.trc
          files in CONQETC after loading the main 'texturedrc' file.

          So the texture/anim config loading order is now:

            System-wide CONQETC/texturesrc
            System-wide CONQETC/*.trc
            User ~/.conquest/*.trc

          This will make it easier to add 'misc' texture definitions to
          the distribution w/o neccessarily having to change
          texturesrc, which should only contain 'base' information.

          Along those lines, added system-wide '00_plantex.trc' file
          that specifies some different texures for some of the class D

          Added new texture images for jupiter, neptune, and uranus.

        - add new 'conrule.easy' robot rule file.  This file specifies
          a robot stragegy that should make robots more 'fun' (read:
          less hopelessly lethal) for newbies.  Experienced players
          might have some fun dogfighting them too. :)

          You can setup your universe's robots to use this strategy

          conqstrat -U < conqrule.easy

          I will probably run this one on the public server at
          conquest.radscan.com:1701, since alot of new people show up
          there (and get their butts kicked by robots).

        - randomize robot headings when created.

        - when initializing (e)verything or (u)niverse in conqoper,
          enable the game by default.  Previously the game had to
          always be manually enabled after initializing any of these

        - arrange for the conquest AI rule files, and the non-manpage
          documentation to be installed in $prefix/share/doc/conquest/

        - manpages/documentation:

          - add contents of conquest.doc into the conquest manpage.
            Get rid of conquest.doc.  Also add section on macros to the
            conquest manpage.

          - add contents (other than telnet server info) of SERVER.TXT
            into conquestd manpage.  Remove SERVER.TXT from
            distribution (but keep in the repository).

          - add conquestgl manpage (sources conquest manpage).

          - various minor fixes

        8.1.2j (devel) 8/9/2006

        - 8.2 pre-release, barring significant issues.

        - draw a line below the shield gauge that will indicate current
          shield strength when shields are down.  This is useful for
          allowing you to check your shield's recharge status without
          having to raise them first.

        - change 'REPAIRING' icon decal color from green to cyan-ish.

        - add a conqinit man page.

        - move CLAMP() macro into conqdef.h for everyone to use.

        - fixup the cygwin build

          - update README.cygwin for current info and methods for
            enabling IPC services.

          - re-arrange the lib ordering a bit at link time so the
            stupid linker can handle libconqinit/libconquest
            dependancies (cqiInitPlanets).

        8.1.2i (devel - not released) 7/29/2006

        - fixed an old (and serious) bug that prevented phasers from
          damaging a target if it's angle was between 315 and 360 from
          your ship.  It is definitely advisable for server operators
          to upgrade to this version if you want phasers to work when
          fired within this angle range

        - fixed torpdir stuff in GL.c - should no longer get occasional
          incorrect directional torp angles.

        - changed ship textures and drawShip() to not use lower left as
          the ship's texture origin, like the other textures.

        - fix off-by-one in GL ship list.

        8.1.2h (devel - not released) 7/21/2006

        - patches from Clint Adams, putting the manpages in their proper
          place (section 6 rather than 1), and supplying a conqai and
          conqstrat manpage.

        - in initGLPlanets, use the classd texture by default (for
          class A, O, and Z, for example) rather than the moon

        - When looking for ~/.conquest/*.trc files, only look for files
          that *end* in .trc .

        - previously, the client(s) tried to be smart and not waste
          the server's time with requests it knew the server would
          reject, for example, firing a phaser when you are cloaked.

          Unfortunately, this introduced race conditions when the
          connection had any significant lag, which would cause the
          client's idea of what would succeed to be incorrect.

          Now, we simply send such commands to the server, regardless
          of the local client's state, and let the server determine
          the validity of a command.

        8.1.2g (devel) 7/16/2006

        - add 'Hull Critical' and 'Shields Critical' pulse messages to
          viewer.  Remove icon sh/hull critical texture decals.

        - server fix: propagate SHIP_F_REPAIR flag for ships other than
          your own that are within scanning range so that shield status
          is accurate when repairing.

        - added man pages for conqdriv, conqmetad, conqoper,
          conquest/conquestgl (one manpage for both), conquestd, and

          These will be beefed up more in the future from info in the
          README and other files.

        8.1.2f (devel - not publically released)

        - fixed bug with mouse macros and angles that would cause the
          computed angle to be off by a few degrees depending on where
          you clicked.

        - Engine/weapon critical alerts now pulsed in viewer.  Got rid
          of iconhud eng/wep critical decal textures.

        - added 'Fuel Critical' alert pulse in viewer when fuel is < 100.

        - 'alert bars' are gone.  In their place are torp status pips,
          indicating torpedo status for each torp (left), and a
          vertical phaser status gauge, indicating phaser recharge
          state (right).

          Torp pip colors:
               Green - ready to fire
               White - in flight
               Red   - exploding

          Phaser recharge:
               Green - ready to fire
               Red   - recharging

        - Alert text is now displayed at bottom of viewer, instead of
          hud icon area.

        - army counts and team owner are now displayed on SR scan as
          well when numeric_planet_map is enabled.  Previously this
          only worked when in LR scan.

        - 'p', 'P', and 'f' firing commands always accept an angle,
          even if you can't actually fire them.  This avoids certain
          'accidents' when using macros, where if the fire command
          could not succeed for some reason, the angle would be
          mistakenly interpreted as a warp command.

        - When in orbit, use 'Orbit' instead of 'o' in warp indicator.

        - add conquest homepage URL and mailing list suggestion to main

        - switched to Subversion (svn) source code control.  An svn
          conquest repository can be found at:

          - 'current' development:


          - tagged (officially released) revisions:


        8.1.2e (devel) 7/1/2006

        - added some mouse support in the GL client.  Macros can be
          assigned to mouse buttons + key modifiers (Control, Alt, and
          Shift).  Configuration of your mouse macros is available via
          the (O)ptions menu, or you can edit your conquestrc file

          The mouse only works when playing the game (in the Cockpit)
          and the cursor is within the viewer window in the GL client.

          Three default mouse macros are provided to give you a taste,
          and will be saved in your conquestrc file the first time you
          run this version of the client.  They are:

          mouse button 0 (left): Fire phaser at <angle>
          mouse button 1 (middle): Set course to <angle>
          mouse button 2 (right): Fire Torp at <angle>

          Of course you can redefine these, as well as add others.

          See the mouse macro comment block in your conquestrc file for
          a description of the format.

          <angle> is represented as '\a' in the macro string.  When the
          particular mouse button is hit, the '\a' character sequence,
          if present in the macro, will be replaced with the angle of
          the cursor relative to the center of the viewer when the
          button was pressed.

          Up to 32 buttons (0-31) are supported, and can be used with
          any combination of the Modifier keys (Shift, Alt, and Control).

          That gives you a total of 256 macros, provided you have a
          mouse/input device with 32 buttons.

          Enjoy :)

        - Since it's going to be painful continuing with the alien
          language thing, they've been removed from this version (with
          the exception of the team-specific Conquest logos).  All
          teams use the same decal1/decal2 (scale) textures in the HUD
          now.  The 'do_native_lang' option is gone.  Fixed up the
          decal1/2 textures with new, easier to read fonts, changed a
          few colors, and re-organized the allocation scale.

          The 'critical' alert icons have also been changed to have an
          english font, and all ships use the same set.  Since each
          ship has a different shape, there was no good way to draw the
          lines between the text and the area of the ship of interest
          using a single set of textures.  So, they are more like lamp
          indicators overlayed on the iconhud now.

          Towed/towing status and carried army count is displayed
          semi-transparent at the bottom of the viewer now, rather than
          in the icon hud area - not enough room there :)

          New 'Engine Overload' and 'Weapons Overload' "pulsed"
          messages are displayed in the viewer when an overload
          condition exists (using a new animdef).

        - removed the Irken planet textures and texture definitions.
          There does not seem to be an Irken server available anymore
          so there is no point in including them...

          The images and a .trc file are present in the irken-mod.tgz
          file available from Cat, should he wish to run a server again
          :) Just unpack the tarball in your ~/.conquest/ directory and
          you will be able to see the Irken planets in all their

        - removed all of the non-used textures (eng/sh fail, other team
          (alien) decal/icon textures, torpicon/beam/tow, etc).  In
          other words, massive texture cleanup and removal.  Went from
          179 to 107 textures.  Woohoo.

        - fixed up configure to not build static libs by default anymore.

        8.1.2d (not released)

        - added 'bombing' graphics.  Now when you bomb a planet, you
          see explosions on it.

          The server protocol changed as a result, though the change is
          backward compatible.

          When connecting to an older server (< 8.1.2d) you will only
          see explosions if you are bombing a planet yourself (we fake
          it on the client).  'Bombing' state for a ship won't be
          recorded, so you won't see the bombing graphics when playing
          it back.

          Playing on a newer server (>= 8.1.2d), you will see bombing
          graphics for any ship in scanning range that is currently
          bombing a planet.  In addition, recording files, when played
          back, will show bombing graphics for those ships that were
          bombing at the time.

        - fixed problem in GL client, where if a planet's type, etc
          changed after initGLPlanets was run, the user would not see
          the change in texture/color/size, etc.  Now we update the GL
          display characteristics of a planet whenever a packet that
          could affect these characteristics arrives.

        - when doing a 'make install', only overwrite the system
          conqinitrc file if it does not already exist, to prevent
          accidentally overwriting any local planet modifications (yes,
          this happened to me :).  The texturesrc file is always
          overwritten on install.

        - cleaned up the Klingon warp indicator texture.

        - fixed drawTexBox to not gratutitously invert Y, and adjusted
          planet textures to compensate.  Same for drawTexQuad and the
          conq-logo textures. Now, WYSIWYG as far as texture editing

        8.1.2c (devel) 5/7/2006

        - new user option 'do_native_lang'.  When set to true, you will
          see the scale labels in the HUD displayed in the team's
          'native' language.  When false (default) you will see the
          labels in english (Federation).  Yes, this is a bit of a
          hack.  When Cat can deliver to me Orion, Romulan, and Klingon
          language font files, then we can do it properly :)

        - fixed up the limit checks in GLcvtcoords().  Now we are a bit
          more agressive in checking the visbility of an object before
          rendering it, particularly in LR view.

        - UDP keepalive's are sent from the client to the server every
          30 seconds from the GL client, regardless of what screen you
          are on.  Previously these were only sent if you were in the
          cockpit (CP).

        - redid the Negative Energy Barrier (NEB).

          The NEB is now drawn as a 'wall' (and at most, only 2 can
          possibly be in view at a time), rather than the large
          textured quad spanning the universe that was previously used.

          This allows us to be smart and not render it when it's not in
          view (saving frames and cycles).  Also, the TOS-bmsk texture
          is no longer needed now, and has been removed.

          In addition, the barrier is now drawn at the ship's depth
          plane, correcting it's position and size relative to the
          ship. It sure looks alot bigger in SR view when you are
          passing through it :)

        - finished CONQINIT.TXT, describing CQI, and the format of the
          conqinitrc and texturesrc files in all their glory.

        8.1.2b (not publically released)

        - fix bug in render.c that miscalculated the size of the warp
          indicator quad in certain situations.

        - enhance recording protocol so that server recordings are
          easier to determine.  Always store the ship number that made
          the recording into the header.

          Existing recording (CQR) files are compatible.

        - If you pass '-d 0.0' on the conquestgl command line, the 75
          FPS frame throttle is disabled.  This is mainly useful for
          'benchmarking' - having conquestgl always render at full
          speed.  This works for playing back a recording as well as
          playing the game normally.

        - remove doomsday AP firing timer and convert to an animdef
          (doomsday-ap-fire) specified in texturesrc.

        - modify CQI parser to allow (ab)using a texture {} section
          to store 'named' colors.  This is done by treating
          texture definitions that specify "" as the filename, as a
          special case, indicating that only a color is specified
          there.  I just didn't see the point in creating a whole new
          'colordef' section and related CQI infrastructure just for
          color parsing and storage.

          All colors used in conquestgl will eventually be specifed
          this way.

        - merge 8.1.2a into conquest HEAD branch.

        8.1.2a (devel)  3/05/2006

        - at long last

        - This is a pretty major revision compared to the last stable
          8.1.2 release.  This version incorporates new artwork textures and
          a new 'Icon' HUD layout, curtesy of Cataboligne (aka Roy)

           - new ship textures
           - team specific photon torpedos/animations and phaser textures
           - team specific LR tactical grids
           - doomsday fires an anti-proton beam at unfortunate

          It also corrects some potential server problems and adds new
          OPER commands.  I would not hesitate to recommend upgrading
          to this server version at least :)

          Do to the rather large changes from Cat, it was clear that
          certain internal mechanisms (like texture management) in
          conquestgl needed major overhaul.  So, in addition to the new
          art, the texture and animation backend has been completely
          rewritten from scratch, based on the new cqi (conqinit)
          lex/yacc parser.

          Texture and Animation descriptions are defined in the global
          'texturesrc' file, or a user's own ~/.conquest/*.trc files.

          In addition, a much more complete customization of conquest's
          planets is possible via the global 'conqinitrc' file.

          The goal was to provide maximum flexibility to users/hackers
          w/o having to change the code each time :)

          conqinit is discussed in more detail in the CONQINIT.TXT file
          (currently crude, but will be improved for a stable release. :)

        - changes since last snapshot release:

          - cqi animation specific parser done.  GLAnimDefs and
            the animQue runner/iterator done.  We have animations :)

          - re-added the team specific torp animators that Cat
            originally supplied in his patch, but were left out of the
            snapshot releases until the new animator 'engine' was done.

          - other animators currently present (and working :) are the
            'explosion', and blinker animations.

            See texturesrc for all texture and anim definitions if you
            want to see them for yourself.

            The only one(s) currently missing from the original patch,
            that will be added in the future, are the solar animators (for
            the suns).  But I need some better textures from Cat first

          - conquestd: reworked server OPER commands.  As you may (or
            may not) know, users marked as CONQ_OPER in conqoper, can
            send certain commands to the server when logged into the
            game, by sending a specially crafted message to GOD.  This
            version no longer uses 'EXEC' as the command prefix, rather
            '/' is now used.

            - kill a ship or user:

              /k[ill] <what>

            - create robot(s)

              /r[obot] <username> [<number> <warlike if non-null>]

            - start a server recording


            - stop a server recording


          - conquestd: fix problem where the recording packet cache was
            not cleared when starting a new recording, except for the
            first one.

          - reduced the size of all of the 1kx1k textures, saving alot
            of texture memory/file space :)  The src package size went
            down to 5.2MB compared to 8.3MB in the snapshot releases.

        - The following are notes from the 3 previous snapshot
          releases leading up to this release.  Worth reading (if you
          are bored) as there were alot of important changes not
          mentioned above.

          8.1.2ng3 (snapshot release)  2/05/2006

          - Got rid of the old HUD.  The new Icon HUD is now the only
            hud in conquestgl and is a huge improvement over the old
            one.  Thanks Cat!  The DoIconHud and related options are
            now gone.

          - added new shield graphics.  It's basically an edited
            version of Cat's original 'layer' texture, but with the
            insides 'partially' hollowed out and color coded according
            to strength.  It think it gives a nice 'bubble effect'... I
            much prefer it - hope you do too!

            The shield layer options are gone, and only do_shields
            remains - indicating whether you want to see a shield
            graphic or not.

            do_shields is now on by default.

          - re-arranged the 'alert' indicator text, armies text and
            towing text around the ship icon.  The alert text was too
            hard to read in certain cases.

          - changed the doomsday AP beam rendering to be less cpu
            intensive.  The beam simply uses an on/off duty-cycle of
            600ms now.

          - correct problem where clients might exit incorrectly when
            an unexpected packet arrives during the welcome phase.

          - While playing on CyberBilly's server, I noticed that when
            no ships are moving (and hence no UDP traffic is occuring),
            his firewall would terminate the UDP connection after 60
            seconds, and the client would exit.

            It's basically the reverse of the problem that required
            implementing a client UDP keepalive mechanism in v8.1.1.

            So the server has been modified to always emit at least one
            ship update for your ship every 5 seconds if UDP is active,
            and no other UDP data has been sent in that time.  This
            should work around the issue by keeping the connection

          - add more debugging to readPacket() so problems might be

          - texturesrc - remove layer shield textures, added new shield
            textures.  Updated to load the correct one for each ship.
            There are only 3 new textures that all the ships use
            depending on their shape :)

          - add a little explanation for the mysteryies in

         8.1.2ng2 (snapshot release)  1/30/2006

         - The main focus of this release was to get the icon hud
           working.  It now scales properly.

           The geometry setup was completely redone, since the code
           from Cat didn't quite work properly - probably because he
           didn't know what updateGeo() was really doing :) I will add
           some comments later.  I promise.

           Some things changed as well:

           - alert status/bars

             The alert is now identified by 'alert bars' located on
             either side of the iconic ship diagram.  The ship causing
             the alert is displayed just below the icon.

             The bars are coded the same as in the original hud, though
             there is no text on them.

             - steady yellow = proximity alert
             - blink yellow  = enemy ship in yellow alert range
             - steady red    = ship in red alert range
             - blink red     = ship in phaser range

           - Cat's torp 'pip' stuff is gone as well (though the texture
             is still there).  The main problem there was that each
             ship was different in where in the decal texture the pip
             array is located.  This made it far too tedious/painful to
             implement correctly.  I'd also like to try to make it
             reasonable for someone to add a new shiptype someday
             without severe pain.

             I like the idea though, so it may return in a more
             'generic' way that looks and acts the same on all ships,
             and is therfore easier to code and maintain.

           - The 'animated' tractor icon decal was removed for the same

           - The decal indicating you are carrying armies does not
             display the army count.  Same reasons as above.  I'll
             remove the empty '[]'s soon.

           - there is no room for some of the standard indicators in
             the new hud, so some are located in other areas, for

             numeric warp and heading, these are displayed to the
             bottom left of their respective icons.

             armies/ai - this is indicated by '%d armies' displayed in
             the upper left of the icon area, or by the action token
             when watching a robot.

             towing/towed by - this is indicated in the lower left of
             the icon area.

             destruct - this is now rendered in large, semi-transparent
             blinking letters centered in the viewer.  Don't know why I
             didn't do that in the first place, 'cause it looks kinda
             cool :)

           - changed default WxH to 1024x768 as 800x600 is difficult
             with the iconhud.

           - uiPutColor() can understand alpha now.

           - fixed several minor conqinit parser issues.

           - ALT-G will toggle the tac display on/off in LR scan.

         8.1.2ng1 (snapshot release)  1/05/2006

         - This version incorporates Cataboligne's massive artwork
           patch.  Among them:

           - new ship textures
           - team specific photon torpedos and phaser textures
           - team specific LR tactical grids
           - doomsday fires an anti-proton beam at unfortunate
           - original 8.1.2 Conquest included 37 textures.  This version
             includes 173 textures.  The src tarball got a little
             bigger :)

           This also includes the new 'icon hud' functionality, which
           promises to be the future default hud, once the kinks are
           worked out.

         - User config data (~/.conquestrc) is now stored in a new
           ~/.conquest/ directory.  The files that can currently be
           present in this directory are:

           conquestrc           # used to be ~/.conquestrc
           conquest.log         # what it says
           img/                 # directory containing user textures
                                  (.tga) files.
           *.trc                # user supplied texture definition files.

           If you already had a ~/.conquestrc with your settings in it,
           simply copy it into ~/.conquest/conquestrc before starting
           the game.

         - conquestgl will now emit it's log entries to stderr as well
           so that gl users might see something useful if something
           breaks :)

         - planet and texture configuration and intialization have been
           completely rewritten through the new CQI infrastructure.

         - texture loader now supports compressed tga files.

         - fix server recordings so they include TORPEVENT
           packets. These were only being recorded for clinet
           recordings.  This is important when rendering the new
           'directional' torp graphics Cat added when playing back a

         - this version includes all of the bug fixes in 8.1.2.

Jon Trulson
mailto:jon at radscan.com http://radscan.com/~jon
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
"No Kill I" -Horta

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